Diaries of The Breadman’s Daughter: Never too Late to Start Over.


Girl Warrior. It’s never too late to start over. To press the refresh button. Begin anew. Hit reset, reboot or recharge. Give yourself a second chance. Or third, fourth, tenth, hundred times a hundred.

And see what happens.

No matter where or what you’ve been or done or said or not said up until this very moment, matters not. Really, truly, completely absorb this. Believe it. Not just with your mind but with your heart. In fact, let your heart take the lead with this particular endeavor. For your heart’s ancient omnipresent wisdom will guide you every step of the way. It will not fail you.

So fear not.

Then, remember the innocence, the wonder and pure gorgeousness of your Little Girl Warrior. Remember her? She’s there now and always has been. Go back to her. Wrap your loving arms around her. Have a heart to heart. Take her by the hand. Renew your acquaintance with this precious person. The young Girl Warrior, who wore the cape and armed with wide-eyed wonder and a great big unstoppable imagination, believed she could be anyone, do anything, go anywhere. Conquer the world in her rare and one-of-a-kind fashion. She was radiant Starshine. And she is still with you.

Girl Warrior, wipe the slate clean and go out and reinvent yourself today in a way that would make Little Girl Warrior proud. So proud.
















Diaries of The Breadman’s Daughter: Recovering Type A Personality.


My name is Boo

And I am a Type A Person.

But I want to get better

I do

I really really do.

I want to be released

And set free.

Free from the shackles

The fetters and golden bracelets

The relentless drive

To do more

Have more

Be more.

Free from the demands

The swelling and driven ambitions

And endless aspirations

All those needs

The wants

And desires.

Free from the goal setting

And achieving




Forever reaching

Yet never quite attaining

Never enough.


Enough is enough

For I am in recovery

And always will be.

One day at a time

I am learning to

Let go

To relax and release.

I am learning to

To give up …

Taking charge

Being in control

Having my way

Ruling the roost

Sitting in the driver’s seat

Running the show

And being the best.

Being the best.

For these are false illusions

All part of my fantasy

My self-deception

A lifelong hallucination

And deception

The all-consuming

And draining credo

I worshipped.

My name is Boo

And I am in recovery.



Diaries of The Breadman’s Daughter: Sunday Morning.


Hey E Baby

I was thinking about that Sunday morning

Just after we bought the house

It was November and the rain

Was pelting on the window

All dark and dreary outside

So you put our first log in the fireplace

I made coffee just for the two of us

You were hanging photos of the family

Framed in black and white

And all those paintings from the artists

Who had passed through our lives

My Barbara Lewis CD was playing

Baby I’m Yours

The sweet soulful sounds

That have the power to break your heart

You took my hand

And we danced around our new living room

You sang the chorus into my ear

While I cried into that soft spot

On the side of your neck

Hey E Baby

I think those were

The best two minutes of my life.


Diaries of The Breadman’s Daughter: Take a Leap of Faith.


Girl Warrior. Take a leap of faith. Especially in those pivotal moments that define the direction of your life, if not permanently, than for a colossal chunk of it. The make or break junctures. The pinpoint life-altering time that when you look back, you realize that, ‘this was when it all started.’

Don’t let this be the split-second that leaves you filled with an entire lifetime of regret.

Leaping can be scary. Fear of failure or change or the unknown can be overwhelming and shake your confidence. Rock your foundation. Make the earth move under your feet so badly that you’re knocked off-balance. Your equilibrium is quivering and quaking. That’s what fear does. But fear is only false evidence appearing real. Not real. Just pretending. A schoolyard bully that you need to show who’s the boss.

It’s paramount that you don’t allow doubt to seep into your thoughts, and then settle there like an ungracious house guest. Not even for a bit. Take a deep breath and jump in. Head-first. Feet-first. Nose-dive. Or ass-over-tea-kettle. It does not matter how, it just matters that you do.

If the faith in yourself is faltering, then jump with the faith that others have in you. Work with that. Seize their faith in you, embrace it and carry it in your heart and your mind until you see what everyone else sees.

You’ve got this Girl Warrior. You can do it. You know you can. Go ahead. Jump.





